
~My Favorite Anime~

Konichiwa! Minna-san!!
For the first topic here in anime randomness its about my favorite anime(s). Actually maybe this was the hardest thing I ever made. Why? Because its really hard choosing only several anime. I have lots of favorite anime, maybe 100 or more. So it was really hard >_<, it took me hours before I can decide.
Okay, I’m sure you already want to know that’s why I won’t make this long. Let’s do this!!
(I choosed one anime per genre, hope u will enjoy. ^_^)

Kaichou wa Maid-sama
Ugh! Actually this is my most favorite genre so this was the hardest one when I was choosing. But I have to make a choice. So I chose Kaichou wa maid-sama.
-This anime was my very first romance genre anime. At first I was really hesitant in watching this because I thought it was only for adults (forgive my child mind, I was only eight that time). The reason why I choosed this anime is because it was really romantic and funny. Actually I got inspired in making one of my stories(FGSG) because of this anime. That’s why this is my most favorite romance anime. :)

Soul Eater
For action, I chose Soul Eater. Like the first one, this is my very first action anime so I could never forget it. Even know I can still rememer the times I first watched this. Maybe this was the very first anime that I fell in love to the character. And that cahracter is death the kid. He’s so cool you know that!! This show is really awesome!!

Zankyou no Terror
In this genre I chose a new one. Zankyou No Terror!! This anime is the anime of the year last 2014. Even though it only has 11 episodes and not that popular in the world, I still choosed this one. It has an amazing plot and fit perfectly for the thriller genre because it was always a cliffhanger to me when I was watching it. So I choosed this. ^_^ Hurray for HISALIZA!!

Ghost Hunt
I don’t usually watch anime in this genre because I always get scared but still this is one of my fav. genre. The anime that I chose is Ghost Hunt. This is the very first anime that really scared me so much that I couldn’t sleep that time. Real talk! It really freak me out (LOL) XD.

Clannad After story
I think everyone already know my answer…The anime that makes me cry even how many times I watch it is: Clannad, Clannad: After story. Don’t you agree? I know Ano Hana is also a tear jerker but Clannad was different. In Ano Hana, I only cried once and its in the ending but in Clannad I think in every dramatic episode I always have a teary eye. So I chose this one. T^T

GINTAMA!!! Nothing will beat Gintama in funniest anime. Right? Right? Don’t you agree?? In this show I think there wasn’t an episode that I don’t laugh so hard. Even if there’s an action or dramtic scene they will still have something funny in the end or in the middle that will ruin the moment. The punchlines, the parodies, the dirty jokes, and everything! All of it is not overused and is well made to make the audience have fun.

Slice of life:
Kimi to Boku
Kimi to Boku is the show that I chose for this genre. For me this show is not a boring anime but a fun and heart warming show. Its not that well known but still I love this show.

Nodame Cantabile
Nodame Cantabile, nothing will beat this show when its about music. Its simply amazing! You should all watch it!! Its also funny by the way.

Haikyuu!! FTW! The very first sport genre that I loved. KNB is also good but still I think this was the closest one in normal sports. Unlike in KNB they look like they have superpowers (sorry to KNB lovers). I also like KNB but still this was the best for me. :)

Code Geass
Code Geass *period* I won’t say anymore. This anime is just simply a-amazing!!

Sekaiichi Hatsukoi

KYAAAAAAAAAH!!! XDDD I love all yaoi anime in the world!! HAHA, okay I’ll get serious. Sekaiichi Hatsukoi is my most favorite yaoi show. Its cute, its romantic, its funny, its-its-its―*dies from nosebleed*
(the author can’t continue anymore due to blood loss)

That’s it! My favorite anime shows!! Hope you all like it. How about you? What’s your favorite anime??


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