{ATTENTION: Before I start I want to warn you that you don't have to agree in everything I said. This is based on my/ and my friends' opinion. So please don't get MAD at me if you're not satisfied with the list.}

~Top Ten Anime Cliches~
In no Particular Order
1.  Pervert Characters

There's always a pervert in anime, don't you think? It could be the main character or the MC's friend. But the most common perverts are the old man      -__- Well if there's no pervert there's no fan service episode.

2.  Sitting in the back of the classroom

Really! This is one of the most overused cliché in anime. Why do main characters have to sit at the back of the classroom and close to the window? I tried doing that when I was a second year HS student but nothing happened (lol) Do they gain super powers by doing that? Is it cool??

Ugh...i still don't know >_<

3. BOOBS, BEWBS everywhere!!
Boobs is one of the ingredient in anime, especially in ecchi anime. It could be an A, B, C, D, or G (Okay I sounded like a pervert old man there -_-) But it's the truth right? They need this for fan service so its very common and sometimes overused. But the things that I find funny in anime girls that having big plots, is the power of it. What power? The "DEFYING GRAVITY" power!!! XD
Okay, that's enough for this number...I'm really sounding like an old man pervert here.   -___-

3.  "The Accident"

"Sorry I touched your boobs accidentally!" "Oops sorry I accidently saw you nude!" that's what I always hear when male MC done something perverted to a girl =_= Just STOP IT~!!! How could that be an accident? Did they defy gravity?? Ugh...its really to overused already.

4.  No parents

Its very common, specially to harem shows. Of course, you wouldn't want your parents to see you "accidentally" groping a girl's boobs. Or you don't want to explain to your mom/dad, how you suddenly achieve 5 cute alien girls. But if they're present they look younger and almost look like they're siblings -__-. Or if they're present they'll only appear 0.1 seconds in a single episodes.

5.  Everyone in school!

School is fun yey!! HA! Since when did the school became fun? Well only for anime. Where you could run in the hallways with a big gun or where your school's principal is having a wrestling match with a deer (nichijou). I just really wish schools in real life are like anime schools.

6.  Same characters

The hyper character, the pervert character, the hot teacher, the dere type girls, the friend who is much cooler that the main character. The nurse who isn't there, the convenience store guy, the cat, the senpai (notice me senpai~!), the loli, the...the...ARGH! I couldn't think anymore, its too many!! We need diff. article just for this number.

7.  Same Events

Like the same characters there's also the same event. Beach scene, hot spring scene, summer festival, cultural festival, sports festival, infirmary scene, meeting at the rooftop scene, meeting under the cherry blossoms scene, the group study, valentines scene, main character is sick scene, yeah...there's many more but like I said we need another article for this.

8.  Antagonists doesn't kill MC

Don't you notice it? If the main character and the villain meets they don't kill each other immediately even though they can. I know, they need to do this to extend the story but sometimes its too overused. The villain won't kill the MC and then the MC will get stronger...I want a PLOT TWIST! Where the MC dies in the first episode (LOL) I know I'm not making sense anymore -__-

9.  The group is always 5
Don't you think so too? If there's a group of friends in one anime show its always five. Its very rare to see three or seven or six. Its always five (e.g. Natsu's team w/out the cats, K-on girls, Joshiraku girls, and many more.) I don't know why its five but maybe it's the middle number?? How about you, do you know the reason why its five?

10. ...Free Number

Decide what to put here ^_^


~Top Ten Shoujo Manga Cliches~


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