Station 3: Randomness Cafe

Its the 3rd station! And this station is wonder...
UGH! It doesn't matter!!
Its a random cafe, that means it features RANDOM things. When i say random that means it doesn't have a certain topic. :D But expect this things:
And many more random things you could think of. :)

But don't worry this station is not boring!
I'm also thinking of reviewing some games, songs, movies, etc.
Ah! And since i'm a music lover expect lots of lyrics in this station ^_^

So...welcome to the randomness cafe that is owned by Yukitina. (=^w^=)

50 things I love <3

Well first of all I didn’t put persons here. Like the title, it says “things”. Wait, animals are not things…O_o That’s right animals are not things but I decided to put them. :D Animals are the best!! So…I’m gonna start!

1. Ice Cream =My most favorite food!! Oh and for the flavor, its Vanilla.
2. Donuts
3. Marshmallows =Its so fluffly! Specially heart-shaped marshmallows.
4. Cotton Candies
5. Strawberries =Sweet or sour, I don’t mind!
6. Blue skies =So peaceful… ^_^
7. Grass fields =Someday I want to run in a grass field!!
8. Flower Fields =…It might be weird but I wish I can walk in a flower field with the person         I love the most. :)
9. Old Libraries =I haven’t seen one but I was fascinated when I saw a picture of it in google.
10. Mysterious/Enchanted Places =Want to explore it, example is the world of alice in wonderland haha XD
11. Bridges
12. Cats =There are so adorable!! =^_^=
13. Pugs =Ugh! The eyes, I can’t resist there eyes!!
14. Boots
15. Rillakuma =I have a collection of it.
16. M&M =Fav. Chocolate brand.
17. Smiley/Emoticons = :), :D, ^_^, -_-, ;)
18. Photography =Its my hobby too.
19. Music =Who doesn’t love it?
20. Aquariums
21. Horror movies =Yeah, its true. Even though I get scared easily.
22. Funny videos
23. Cold weather
24. Rain =Love to walk in the middle of a rainy day with or without an umbrella.
25. Rainbows
26. Small Backpacks
27. Instruments 
28. Peaceful Sounds 
29. BGM =Can’t resist background music. Calming or not, I <3 it!
30. Doodles =Every pages in my notebooks has one.
31. Cherry Blossoms =Even if I haven’t seen one I love it already.
32. Lotus =Favorite flower.
33. Tulips 
34. Waterfalls =well my name came from a waterfall so… :)
35. Forests =Let’s save our forests.
36. Old books =I love the smell of it hehe.
37. School Corridors
38. Stufftoys =I have lots at home.
39. Picnics 
40. Running without shoes =specially in the middle of summer. I run outside the house without slippers. I love the heat in the floor.
41. Biking =even though I don’t know how to (LOL) someone teach me >_< (LOL)
42. Salads 
43. Pillows 
44. Warm water 
45. Starry Skies =One of my most favorite things in the world.
46. Fireflies =Its very rare now but I still love it.
47. Boys love =Ha! This is my drug!!
48. Manga/Books =I’m a book worm!!
49. Anime =This is something I can’t describe by words.
50. Wattpad! =Well if I hated it. I won’t be here. 

That’s it! The 50 things that I love. How about you what’s the 50 things you love? If its fine with you I also want to know.

~A Love Story~

This time I’m going to tell you a love story. Yeah I know its boring so it depends on you if you’re going to read this. Is it mine?
..................................................HAHAHAHAHA! *Dark Laugh*
Okay let’s just do this...

        Once upon a time there was a girl named Kris. When she was at her sixth grade, she still didn’t know how to fall in love and the challenges she had to face when she fell for someone. And then that time there was this one guy she really hate but like in the law of magnetism, same repels and opposite attracts. Her heart was like that too. Even though they were complete opposites she fell in love for him. She knew it was only their so called “puppy love” but she didn’t gave up with that love.

         One day she was teased by their classmates that that guy also likes her but she knew that they were only teasing him. And like what she predicted, that guy confessed to the girl he liked. Her heart broke and Kris promised to herself that she’s not going to fall in love again.

         But her mind and heart wasn’t the same. Her mind says “no” and her heart says “yes”. And once again she fell in love. She fell in love with the guy who likes the girlfriend of the guy Kris liked back then.

        “What’s so great about her? Why are they falling for her?”

         She knew it will be one-sided forever but she still loved him. Three years had passed and she still like that guy but she knew she had to give up so before she knew it her heart stopped beating for that guy.

         And once again she promised to herself that she’s never going to fall in love again but there’s this place in the corner of her heart that won’t stop wishing that the time she will find “the right person” for her will come.

~Abilities and Hobbies~

Hi! Hi! I’m here again!!
Our topic for today is…
My abilities and hobbies!!!

Hmm…I don’t have many abilities so it took me a long time before I decided what to put here. Okay, my abilities are…
        Watching anime with hundreds of episode in one day. (Lol, I think I should get a life ( ̄- ̄))
          Finishing a manga in one day. (Really get a life me!! DX)
          Killing a cockroach with a straight face. (Like this:  ̄ˍ ̄ But in my mind I was like:       ( > △ <|||))

          What else…My abilities really sucks, huh. Ah! I know!!

         I can draw! Ha! *smug face* (well even though I said that I actually can’t draw a circle perfectly… -_-)

Okay enough with abilities! Let’s proceed to hobbies!!!

        Reading (This is my life! I have lots of books at home and I’m getting worried because I don’t know anymore where to put it.)
        Drawing (Doodles, sketches & etc…This is my pass time when I’m bored.)
     Gaming (I love games! Old school, RPG, Visual novels, quiz games, dress up games, cooking games, anything that is a game I will do it. Ah! Except for games that involves Physical movements like running or jumping…Haha, I can’t play things like: basketball, volleyball, etc. I easily get tired because of my asthma so I can’t do that. ^_^)
        Photography (Not selfies, okay! I usually take a picture of beautiful landscapes.)
        Rolling on the floor (My most favorite hobby when I’m bored.)
    Watching anime (Actually maybe this one is not a hobby but an everyday routine, seriously, get a life, me!! XD)
    Writing stories (This is my whole life. I’m serious, I don’t have a day that I won’t open my sister’s laptop and type a chapter. I usually type two chapters a day :) I already can’t remember what I was doing before I started to love typing stories.)

That’s my hobbies and lame abilities :). Hope you enjoy!!

20 Things I Hate </3

In the previous topic I made a chapter were I wrote the 50 things I love so I decided to make the opposite. The 20 things I hate!! Prepare for nasty things that you might hate too.

1. Dolls (This is really a serious topic. I hate dolls, specially porcelein ones. But instead of hate I’m scared of it. Its something I really don’t want to remember.)
2. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (It’s the nursery rhyme. It has connection with no.1. I just don’t want to remember it again so let’s not talk about it.)
3. Cockcroaches (who isn’t scared? Specially the flying ones. UGH!)
4. Spiders (the legs, the hairy long legs! Just by thinking it gives me goosebumps.)
5. Hot days (it makes my body sticky.)
6. Green Peas
7. Thunder (huhu T^T)
8. Stupid cliches (Stupid cliches!!)
9. Loud Winds (I always think there’s a tornado coming.)
10. Dark room (Scary~~ T_T)
11. Pimples (Ugh…it’s a girl thing so…)
12. Puppets that looks like a human (CREEPY!! DX)
13. TV static (Sadako might come out.)
14. Banana
15. Noisy (It hurts my ears)
16. Dirty places (ARRGH!!! Okay, I’m gonna admit it! I’m a clean freak!!)
17. Music Boxes ( ._., had a bad experience with it.)
18. Horror movies (I hate and love it. :D)
19. Long stairs (its creepy and tiring…)
20. Math (My biggest fear.)

20 things I hate the most :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Yukitina! I love your randomness cafe! Keep writing 'cause I really enjoy what you write. I am a crazy anime fan (been watching anime since I can remember) and I really enjoy your posts XD


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