Station 4: Request Bar

And for the last station!
Its Station #4 : A request BAR!!

Oh, don't worry. It doesn't have an age limit just because its a bar (LOL)

In this Station I'll be accepting requests!! Yes, requests!
What kind of requests?
I'll be accepting things like; AMV, Lyric Videos, Photoshops, Dedications, and many more!!

Here are the REQUIREMENTS:

Anime Music Video
Anime: The list of anime shows you want me to add in the MV. The limit is 20 shows.
Music: What music you want me too put.
Other: Other things you want me to add. Like lyrics of the song or some effects.
Payment: The payment is simple. You just have to FOLLOW me and SUBSCRIBE in my youtube account.

Kind: What kind of Photoshop would you like me to edit? Ex: Book cover, picture, thumbnail, header, wallpaper, quote art, etc.
Details: Of course i need the detail. Example if its a book cover, tell me what image i'll put, what title, etc. Or if its a picture then tell me what you want me to do.
Payment: The payment is just FOLLOW me on google +.
P.S.: If its a picture of you or some person pls. give me the link of that picture. :)

There are to kinds of dedications. A video or a picture.

*For the video here are the requirements:
Details: What am i going to put? Is it a slide show or a music video? Do you want me to put quotes in it?? What's the music?
Greetings: Ex: Happy valentines day, good day!, etc. the limits of the greetings is at least 5 words but not more than 10 words.
Payment: SUBSCRIBE in my youtube account.

*For the picture:
Details: What am i going to put? Where am i going to put it? In a simple background or into a picture?
Dedication: Of course this is the most important part. What is the greetings and to whom are you going to give it??
Payment: FOLLOW me on google +.

So that's it! That's the requirements!!!


Here are the EXAMPLES:

Anime Music Video

This is the SAMPLE of the Anime music video that I'll make. :) I'm not that confident but still i'll do my best to satisfy you.

Oh! Don't forget to LIKE it on youtube.
Did you like it? Then hit SUBSCRIBE.
For the anime just ask me in the comments.


An EXAMPLE for the facebook cover. :)

I didn't made this but still for those who will request a quote art it will be like this :D

Anime: Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
Its so CUTE~!
Make sure to give me the quote, but i can also make you one. :))


This one is simple but still the dedication picture will be like this.

But it still depends on you in what kind of design you would like me to do.

Example of requirements:
Anime: Wolf Children and Ame to Yuki.
Greetings: Happy Mother's Day.
Other details: "A mother's love has no expiration date."


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